One of the biggest challenges that Sleekgeek Coaching Clients face when trying to eat healthily is lack of quick, easy, and convenient healthy meal ideas. Making a “meal menu” described below can help.
What are your go-to meals?
We all have certain meals that we make over and over again for various reasons.
Think about:
- What kind of meals do you find yourself making because you 😍 enjoy them?
- What kind of meals do you find yourself making when you’re 🕒 short on time?
- What kind of meals do you find yourself making when you’re 😴 tired?
Whether these meals are healthy or unhealthy… We ALL have our go-to meals.
These are usually meals that we know we can rely on in these various scenarios. They’re usually quick, easy, tasty, and don’t require any fancy ingredients.
A key part of long-term success when it comes to healthy eating is knowing what your healthy go-to meals are so that you can plan ahead and have the necessary ingredients available.
Your Sleekgeek Meal Menu 📄
The Sleekgeek Meal Menu is all about creating a mini menu of your favourite healthy go-to meals that you can choose from and call on when you need them.
It’s kind of like when you sit down at a restaurant and choose a meal from their menu…
You can look at the breakfast section of the menu and see what you can order for breakfast. You don’t have to think too hard, you just pick.
It’s convenient because the meals on that menu are decided for you, they contain ingredients that the restaurant has on hand, and the restaurant is usually good at cooking that kind of meal.
The Sleekgeek Meal Menu aims to achieve a similar thing.
We want you to create a list of go-to breakfast, lunch, dinner, and even snack ideas that are healthy, quick, easy, and tasty. The kind of meals that you can rely on to make your life easier while also helping you to be healthier.
Start With a 📂 Template
The Sleekgeek Healthy Meal Template is a simple system that you can use to start constructing healthy meals TODAY.
It gives you a great place to start, and a place to fall back to if you ever get lost.
Every meal can be as easy as going 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4!
It’s quite literally:
- Quality Protein + Colourful Vegetables + Smart Carbohydrates + Healthy Fats = Meal
See? Easy!
Using the Sleekgeek Healthy Meal Template you can combine one or more proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates, and fats from the Sleekgeek Food Lists (mainly the green list) to create a healthy, well-balanced meal.
Keeping Things in ⚖️ Balance
A healthy meal CAN look different for everyone.
Some people prefer lower-carb meals while others like lots of carbs, and some prefer a bit less protein while others like more…
That’s fine, and you’re welcome to customise your portions and proportions later on.
But a good starting place is to challenge yourself to include a little bit of everything in each meal.
Why? Because when you’re aiming to have fairly equal amounts of protein, veg, carbs, and fats it tends to rule out things like a big bowl of pasta for dinner, or jam and peanut butter on toast for lunch – where’s the protein, where’s the veg? They’re soft rules to help keep you on track.
Using the 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 4 meal planning method also helps you to figure out how to construct healthy meals from scratch so that you can be more creative and flexible in the kitchen.
🥇 Consistency Before 🥈 Complicated
This kind of meal template might seem stupidly simple, especially compared to all of the overly complicated food rules that get posted all over social media.
But the truth is, your absolute top priority is to find a system that is sustainable. This means something that you can do consistently and frequently for a long period of time.
It should be SIMPLE!
Sure, a gourmet Jamie Oliver-style meal might be fun, but most of us don’t have the skill, nor the hours of time and loads of money to throw at each and every meal, every single day.
Our advice is to master the basics first. Once you’ve been eating healthy meals consistently long enough to form solid habits, you can then become more adventurous by expanding the variety and complexity of your meals if and when your feel like it.
And remember, this is called a TEMPLATE, not a rule. Use it as your foundation and then customise from there to make it fit your lifestyle and preferences.
Your Turn
Use the Quality Protein + Colourful Vegetables + Smart Carbohydrates + Healthy Fats = Meal formula to come up with some basic go-to meals for your Meal Menu:
- My 3-5 healthy go-to meal ideas for breakfast are…
- My 3-5 healthy go-to meal ideas for lunch are…
- My 3-5 healthy go-to meals ideas for dinner are…
- My 3-5 healthy go-to meal ideas for snacks are…
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