A delicious healthy recipe commissioned from Sleekgeek Success Story turned Coach, Sylvia Frank (read more about her here).
Carefully designed to fit in with the Sleekgeek Food List, Healthy Meal Template, and Portion Control Guide.
- Recommended for: Lunch or dinner.
- Serves: 1 man’s portion – halve ingredients for 1 woman’s portion (see full portion control guide here).
- Quality Protein
- 2 palm size ostrich steaks
- Colourful Veggies
- Half cucumber
- 1 red onion
- 1 red bell pepper
- 1 big carrot
- Smart Carbs
- Barley/stampkoring (corn)
- Healthy Fat
- Half an avocado
- Herbs, Spices, Extra
- Half a lemon
- 2 tbsp wine vinegar
- Tsp crushed garlic
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic salt
- Brown onion seasoning
- Chopping board
- Sharp knife
- Grater
- Garlic press
- 3 small bowls
- Frying pan
- Pot
- Put a pot of 750 ml water on to boil, add a tsp salt.
- Measure half a cup dry barley and add to the pot of water.
- Bring it to the boil, then turn down the heat a bit and simmer for 30 minutes with the lid at an angle.
- Put your ostrich steak in a dish, sprinkle with a mix of brown onion seasoning, garlic salt, salt and pepper. Be generous with the seasoning because ostrich steak has a tendency to be bland. Allow to stand.
- Slice the red pepper and put in a bowl with the two tbsp wine vinegar to soften.
- Slice the cucumber thinly and put in a bowl with a sprinkle of salt to soften.
- Slice the red onion thinly and put in a bowl with a sprinkle salt to soften
- Peel and cube the half avocado and squeeze the lemon juice over it generously.
- Peel and grate the carrot finely and set aside.
- Heat the frying pan and spray with spray and cook. Fry the ostrich steaks for 4 to 5 minutes on each side depending on the thickness of steaks. Remove from heat and let the steaks rest for a few minutes.
- Check if the barley has cooked till tender. If it is ready, strain off the remaining water and return to the heat. Add the finely grated carrot and the tsp garlic, stir over the heat for a minute. Season with extra salt and pepper.
- Press some of the barley mixture into a ramekin and set aside.
- Slice your ostrich steak evenly.
- Place your sliced ostrich on your plate.
- Run a knife around the inside of the ramekin and turn the golden carrot barley out onto the plate.
- Arrange slices of red pepper, cucumber and red onion on your plate and drizzle with the remaining wine vinegar.
- Add a big tablespoon of avocado alongside.

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