Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.“
I believe that in this modern day and age when we have an abundance of opportunities and an overwhelming amount of information at our fingertips, asking good questions is even more important than ever.
In fact, if you’ve recently played around with ChatGPT (or even just Google), you’ll know that being able to ask the right question is the most important part of getting what you want.
Here are 9 key questions that I think everyone can benefit from thinking about on their health and fitness journey:
1) What specifically do you want to improve or change?
2) Why?
(Why is this improvement or change meaningful to you?)
3) What does that improvement or change look like?
(How will you feel? What will you be able to do? What will be different?)
4) How will you know when you’re making progress or have achieved your goal?
5) What are some daily / weekly / monthly behaviours that you need to repeat over and over and over again to get there?
6) [If you’re forgetful] How can you remind yourself about them on a daily basis and keep yourself accountable?
7) [If you’re busy] How can you schedule time into your diary to do those behaviours?
(What might you need to start saying “no” to in order to say “yes” to those behaviours? How can you make them non-negotiable commitments?)
8) How can you build or recruit support around you?
(If you want this journey to be sustainable, you’ll need help. Because together we can go far.)
9) How will you celebrate your progress and accomplishments?
I hope that these 9 questions help give you some clarity and confidence so that you can get better results.