This movement habit is about improving your posture.
🎯 Habit Instructions:
- ✅ Easy Mode: x
- ✅ Hard Mode: x
📢 More Information:
Most of us know that we need good posture.
Not only does it make us look and feel better about ourselves, but it also has some serious health benefits such as:
- Reducing lower back pain.
- Reducing muscle tension and headaches.
- Increasing lung capacity and oxygen levels.
- Improving circulation and digestion.
- Reducing risk of injury, especially exercising and doing physical tasks.
- And so much more…
However, the problem is that having good posture is a lot easier said than done, right?
You don’t just start out one day with really bad posture, decide that you want to change it, and then from then on you go about your day with really great posture.
Rather, change is a process.
It happens in stages and it is often the result of the frequent actions or habits that we do, day in and day out for months and months and years and years.
There are plenty of exercises that you can do to improve your posture, but these really should be unique to your individual posture problems.
Instead, we want to introduce you to the “Doorway Drill”…
The Doorway Drill is pretty simple:
Every time you walk through a doorway, you use it as a cue to check and adjust your posture.
- When you get up in the morning and leave your bedroom? Stand up straight.
- Making a trip to the toilet? Check your posture.
- Browsing the shops? Walk in there like you own the place!
Using a cue like this, which happens frequently throughout the day, is a great way to start building a small, do-able, and effective habit which will help you be more aware and confident of your posture.
If you struggle to remember, put a yellow post-it note on the door frames around your house. Every time you walk past them you will go “What the…? Oh!” stands up straight.
Feel free to have fun with this too.
You can expand it to things like every time you stop at a red traffic light you adjust your seated posture in the car.
Or if you want more of a challenge then stack something like putting a smile on your face or being grateful for something on top of fixing your posture every time you walk through a doorway.
Remember, first impressions matter a LOT!
If the first thing people see about you when you walk into a room is that you’re standing proudly and have a big smile on your face – they’re going to see you a lot differently than if you had slouched into the room looking tired and moody.
🔁 Make It a Habit
- x
Intermediates and Advanced:
- x
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