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💪 8-Week Body Transformation Challenge! 🥗

Q&A: Jess Hearshaw – 2nd Women’s Transformation

We sat down with Jess Hearshaw who placed second in the ladies Transformation category of our Summer 2022 Sleekgeek 8-Week Challenge. We wanted to find out the secret to her success and she was happy to share it with us.

Please give us a short history of your journey to health and fitness before the challenge.

I started my health and fitness journey in the beginning of 2015 doing light body weight training and walks, I then fell pregnant in April that year and I stopped doing anything. At the time I thought it was dangerous exercising while pregnant (shocking I know). I then only started up again when my son was about 6 months old and I joined a Pilates group class. I had baby weight to lose and lots of toning to do. I then joined the gym in 2018 and it was the best thing I did. I’m terrible at exercising by myself at home (even though my hubby has some good equipment). Going into the gym I find so much more motivating being surrounded by like minded people. I especially love group classes too. If I dont get my me time at least twice a week I get very grumpy. I also find the less I do the less I want to do, and that’s a bad spiral to get into.

What prompted you to join the Sleekgeek Transformation Challenge?

This challenge was my fourth challenge, my first one was the end of year summer challenge 2020. 2020 Lock down definitely got me into bad habits. Eating and drinking too much and very little exercise. The only good thing that came out of lock down was at the end when we were allowed a short time to get out and exercise. I started running for the first time, and now I do it regularly and love it!
Every challenge I’ve joined I’ve done to detox and really focus on exercising. Each end of year challenge I’ve done pretty well and was very happy with my results, but during the year and especially during winter I seem to pick all the weight back again. I’m really hoping I’ve learnt some better eating habits from this last challenge that will last me throughout the year, so I don’t fall back again.

Give us a quick overview of the nutrition and eating plan that you followed during the challenge.

I tried intermittent fasting for the first time ever for this challenge, it had always scared me and I never thought I’d be able to do it. So being the all or nothing kinda person I am, I jumped straight into 18:6 which was very hard in the beginning. It took me about a week or two to get used to. I was drinking 3L of water a day. I didn’t count my calories, but I did watch the things I ate and quantities. From past challenges and counting calories every day I really learnt well what foods to have little of. I now fast because it works well for me. I’m a really bad snacker. I eat even though I’m not hungry. With fasting at least that limits my hours. I now still stick to my 18:6 hours during the week and I’m a little more lenient on weekends. Life is life and sometimes you can’t say no to cake and the good things. Everything in moderation.

Give us a quick overview of the training and exercise plan that you followed during the challenge.

My exercise plan for this challenge was to train at the gym twice a week and run three times. I mostly stuck to this, maybe not as much running as I planned though. Fasting and exercising in the beginning was really hard and I didn’t have much energy, but I worked through this. Strangely enough I now feel more hungry when I dont exercise than when I do. I do also have an amazing trainer at the gym, Tamlyn Riddle who always pushed me and kept me motivated.

If you could give 3 pieces of advice to future challengers, what would they be?

  1. Make time to exercise. The more you do the more you’ll want to do. It does amazing things for your mind, body and soul.
  2. Drink that water! 2-3L a day. Tea and coffee don’t count. Keep your body hydrated. I find that when I don’t drink enough water my body starts to retain water.
  3. Try to get rid of naughty snacks, sweets and chocolates in your house. If they’re not there you won’t be tempted to eat them. If you do cave into something (I have a 7yo in the house so there are always yummy things in the fridge and cupboards), don’t beat yourself up about it. Don’t make it a habit. Tomorrow is another day. Keeping a food diary is excellent. Writing down everything you eat will make you aware just how much you consume.

Why should people enter the challenge?

Accountability. Do it for yourself. A healthier better you. Learn better eating and exercise habits that are sustainable for years to come. Join a team for the challenge, the support and motivation is amazing especially when you hit a low and just want to give up. We’re all in this together.

​Sharing is caring ❤️​


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