Sandra Van Wyk
Age: 58
Elsies River
How much weight have you lost on your journey so far?
I have lost 35kg.
What do you do? [Job]
Driving School instructor
How long have you been a member of Sleekgeek?
10 years.
How did you find Sleekgeek?
I found Sleekgeek via Facebook.
What is your favourite part of the Sleekgeek Community?
I love the Sleekgeek 21-Day Challenges.
Describe the “old you” before you made your transformation. How did you get there and what were you like?
I was tired all the time. I had very low esteem and would never try on any clothes when shopping. I didn’t do any exercise or walk much and I used social drinking as a coping method.
What are some of the things that the new you does differently now?
I do not drink alcohol or smoke anymore. There is more movement in my life and I am more active and more sociable. I now belong to different fitness groups and do hiking, aerobics, walking, and swimming.
What are some of the things that the new you still struggle with?
I’ve got a sweet tooth at night.
If you could give yourself one piece of advice to help with that struggle, what would it be?
Empty your cupboards of all sweet things or do not purchase any.
Did you plateau, get stuck, or get disillusioned, or even slide backwards a bit on your journey?
No, I’ve been following challenges and maintaining my progress for a long time.
What is better since you got healthy?
My sugar levels are lower and manageable. My health is at the next level.
What’s your favourite form of exercise? [Running, yoga, weightlifting, etc]
Walking, aerobics and pole-to-pole running.
How long have you been training and how did you get started?
I have been training for 6 years where I started at Virgin Red. I have also been going to aerobics and swimming via COCT.
What does your typical workout look like?
Aerobics and swimming.
Favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
Aerobics and aerobathons.
Least favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
How does exercise make you feel?
Exercise makes me feel in control of my maintenance.
Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
Group training is better, but I can also manage home exercises.
Most embarrassing training moment?
Not keeping up with my instructor at the gym.
Top 3 things you must have at the gym or in your gym bag?
- Water
- Towel
- Mat
Your next training goal?
To become an aerobics instructor.
Top 5 songs on your training playlist?
I do not have a playlist but I listen to Heart 104.9.
How has exercise/training/Sport Changed your life? [Made it better, etc – please be specific]
I’ve lost a lot of weight. My chronic conditions, diabetes, cholesterol and hypertension have decreased. I can definitely do more things with less weight.
What’s your favourite meal?
Chicken with green vegetables.
OK, now what’s your favourite healthy meal?
Boiled eggs with rye bread.
Favourite protein?
Favourite fat?
Avocado and real butter.
Favourite carbohydrate?
Sweet potato and potato.
What’s your nutrition philosophy / approach? [If you have one]
Everything is in moderation.
How many meals a day do you eat?
Most days I eat 2 times per day.
Do you have a cheat meal / treat strategy?
No cheat meals as I eat moderately.
Most memorable personal best achievement to date. Something you maybe never imagined you could do?
Completing the Muddy Princess obstacle course 3 times.
Favourite quote?
Just Do It!
Favourite book?
Tim Noakes The Real Meal Revolution.
What inspires and motivates you?
Seeing other people’s progress and determination and results.
For what are you most grateful?
I’m grateful for life, my health and the opportunity to have turned my life around.
What do you want to say to other community members who might be nervous or hesitant to make a start?
Just do it! Perseverance is key. Keep on keeping on. Never give up. Do teamwork to start off your journey. Weight loss is like “loop en val” just get up and go again.
What are your top 5 tips for anyone starting on a healthy journey?
- Join a fitness group.
- Join a Sleekgeek Challenge (8 weeks or 21 days).
- Make small changes.
- Take small steps.
- Follow your own program because it is you vs you.
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