Nikita Human
How much weight have you lost on your journey so far?
This is difficult as I have a love-hate relationship with the scale I am guessing in the vicinity of 28kg but this could be more from an estimated 117kg to 89kg which I am now.
What do you do? [Job]
I am an events coordinator.
What else do you do? [Hobbies, non-work stuff, etc]
I have become a walker, I absolutely love walking every chance I get – it helps clear my mind. I also love wiggling and dancing as if no one is watching.
How long have you been a member of Sleekgeek?
Since 2016, I have only however been an active member since the start of 2022 – yes it took me 6 years.
How did you find Sleekgeek?
A friend of mine on Facebook commented and I decided to follow the group.
What is your favourite part of the Sleekgeek Community?
With all the support of like-minded people, the journey is much easier if you know you are not alone.
Describe the “old you” before you made your transformation. How did you get there and what were you like?
I am a serious emotional/stress eater this led to my weight spiralling out of control. The more I ate, the bigger I got, the more emotional I got and the more I ate. You get the picture.
What ignited your initial motivation to change?
I am a firm believer in leading by example and with my daughter growing up I realized I cannot expect her to live a healthy lifestyle and have a positive body image if I did not show her how. She sparked it but I am 100% doing this for myself
What are some of the things that the new you does differently now?
I fight very hard against indulging in food especially when I am stressed or emotional. I am much more active and most times this comes without a lot of effort, I never used to exercise.
What are some of the things that the new you still struggle with?
Consistency, I believe this is key and I am about 75% consistent – this could be better. Portion control and weekend eating from boredom is still a struggle for me.
If you could give yourself one piece of advice to help with that struggle, what would it be?
Plan busy activity-filled weekends to help to limit unnecessary eating.
Go on go for that walk or hike!
Did you plateau, get stuck, or get disillusioned, or even slide backwards a bit on your journey?
Absolutely, the trick is realizing it sooner rather than later, not having a pity party and falling further behind but dusting yourself off by saying: “the past is in the past” and making immediate better choices. Never wait for tomorrow to correct your behaviour.
What is better since you got healthy?
“What is not” would be the better question! I have more energy, I am more focused, more effective at everything I do, have a better self-image, and overall healthier and happier.
What’s your favourite form of exercise? [Running, yoga, weightlifting, etc]
Walking and dancing.
How long have you been training and how did you get started?
I started walking during lockdown but only really started getting into it with the new year challenge in 2022.
What does your typical workout look like?
5km 5 am walk every weekday morning. On weekends if I am able to I love to do a 16km walk in the nature reserve with friends.
Favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
Sleekgeek Interview QA -2020
16km walk, it feels like I really accomplished something.
Least favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
Burpees – you know why.
How does exercise make you feel?
Energized and alive.
Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
I prefer to walk with others for the company but once in a while I love to be alone, then it is just me and I and I can really clear my head.
Most embarrassing training moment?
When I pushed a 16km walk to 21km because that is what the board said it would be. I ended up with such huge blisters that I could not wear shoes for a week and had the blisters for months.
Top 3 things you must have at the gym or in your gym bag?
- Tekkies
- A sun cap
- Water bottle
Your next training goal?
I want to start doing 15k steps every day
Top 5 songs on your training playlist?
Latin or Reggae music for dancing – not specific songs.
How has exercise/training/Sport Changed your life? [Made it better, etc – please be specific]
Walking has significantly improved my asthma and I have just about eliminated using an inhaler.
What’s your favourite meal?
Mexican-style salad.
OK, now what’s your favourite healthy meal?
I love mushrooms and baby marrow which I fry in a bit of butter with salt and pepper.
Favourite protein?
Favourite fat?
Favourite carbohydrate?
What’s your nutrition philosophy / approach? [If you have one]
I like to eat natural, if it is man-made I do not eat it (well try not to).
How many meals a day do you eat?
3 Meals per day – I don’t think I could ever really do IF.
Do you have a cheat meal / treat strategy?
My strategy is not to (this doesn’t always work).
Most memorable personal best achievement to date. Something you maybe never imagined you could do?
Doing 140k steps in 1 week.
Favourite quote?
“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”
Winston Churchill
Favourite book?
“From the Inside Out – Why Diets Don’t Work.”
This is a really great book if you would like to get to the root of why you are overweight / self-medicating with food.
What inspires and motivates you?
The vision of growing older in better shape and health than I was in my twenties.
For what are you most grateful?
The ability to move and my health really is priceless.
What do you want to say to other community members who might be nervous or hesitant to make a start?
This will sound like a cliché but growth can only happen outside of your comfort zone.
It took me 6 years and the only thing that I regret is not starting and sticking with it from the start.
What are your top 5 tips for anyone starting on a healthy journey
- I am sure you would have seen this in the group already – strive for 1% better every day, massive changes are likely not sustainable.
- Move in your everyday life, stop in the furthest parking, take the trolley back, play with your kids.
- Don’t think too much about diet, for me eating in the most natural form has worked wonders and it is easy to follow.
- Try and nourish your body with the best possible fuel that you can give it, trying to punish your body by starving it seldom has lasting success.
- I had to learn that I am not a dog and should not reward myself with food for losing weight.
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