Elizabeth Vermeulen
Cape Town
How much weight have you lost on your journey so far?
I am not exactly sure as I did not get on a scale until I lost enough weight to feel good enough to step on the scale. When I already lost quite a bit of weight I weighed myself in at 93.9kg and I am currently at 66kg, I would estimate all together around 35kg of weight loss
What do you do? [Job]
I am a Supply Chain and Systems Manager.
What else do you do? [Hobbies, non-work stuff, etc]
Aerial Fitness (Pole Dance, Hoop/ Lyra and Aerial Hammock), cooking and drawing.
How long have you been a member of Sleekgeek?
2 years I think.
How did you find Sleekgeek?
Facebook posts of friends.
What is your favourite part of the Sleekgeek Community?
I feel inspired watching how other people keep fighting, through all circumstances – week by week and month by month. I love watching each of the member’s transformations over time.
Describe the “old you” before you made your transformation. How did you get there and what were you like?
I was quite Ill, always tired and a couch potato. I loved just getting home and getting in my PJs and putting a movie on.
I was a dancer for most of my school career, and when I finished school I started working, and studying and didn’t exercise at all, so I rapidly started gaining weight.
I was also diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance, and went on chronic medication to try and control it.
What ignited your initial motivation to change?
I was ill and needed to change my habits, I knew it and kept living with the extreme tummy discomforts of eating the incorrect stuff.
I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease where my body was literally attacking itself because I ate gluten. I attended my granddad’s 80th birthday party, and I was wearing a dress, my legs had developed a very bad rash because I was eating gluten, by this time I already lost some weight and felt better, but people can be cruel, and my legs were a topic of discussion.
So in that moment I decided to never eat gluten again. I haven’t touched gluten since and started focusing more on my health and wellness. It’s been 7 years of intense focusing and asking myself if what I am eating, doing and thinking is adding value to my life or taking it away.
What are some of the things that the new you does differently now?
Apart from eating quite healthy, I also do intermittent fasting, which at first didn’t work for me but then I found that if I fasted my supper it sped up my weight loss.
I found a sport that I completely love, and the support of these ladies and some gentlemen I dance with is unlike I have encountered in another sport before.
I have also developed a love for inspirational quotes and like to read them and meditate on them. Mental health is extremely important for me to not fall back into old habits.
What are some of the things that the new you still struggle with?
I guess these are many things I will always struggle with, like allowing dance partners to lift me, because I am still stuck in an old image of how heavy I use to be, or snacking on anything with potatoes or cheese in.
If you could give yourself one piece of advice to help with that struggle, what would it be?
Trust the process, there is no quick fix of something that happened over a few years. Also, you are as beautiful as you feel, not matter what size or how many wobbles you have.
Did you plateau, get stuck, or get disillusioned, or even slide backwards a bit on your journey?
Yes! It is a on going battle, every holiday and family dinner I must recuperate afterwards. I get very unhappy with myself and spiral until I pull myself out of that mindset and focus again getting myself on the right track.
What is better since you got healthy?
My life has changed, I am no longer sick and tired all the time. I forget what it was like living with chronic pain.
I don’t obsess about food and I LOVE being active and exercising, it keeps me sane and stress free.
What’s your favourite form of exercise? [Running, yoga, weightlifting, etc]
Aerial Arts, I love pole dancing and aerial hoop the most.
How long have you been training and how did you get started?
About 5 years. A friend of mine dragged me to class.
What does your typical workout look like?
We mobilize to get the body moving, then we do planks, pushups, handstands, abs. Our warmup finishes with an exercise that will increase our heart rate like star jumps for instance or animal walks.
Then we wil do conditioning, so we will do inverts in the pole or hoop – pulling our bodies up vertically or we will do climbs up and down the pole a few times, or pull ups.
Then we will do a few moves that will be stringed together for a combo or a dance, and do those a few time and then we will stretch, splits, back, arms, hammies etc and then we will just cool down.
Favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
I love posing, so either acro poses or poses on the pole or hoop.
Least favorite exercise? [Distance / pose / movement / etc]
Distance for sure, I struggle to run or jog.
How does exercise make you feel?
I always feel amazing after exercising. I feel light and for some reason rested, but more like my soul is rested, because my body is so tired.
Do you prefer to train alone or with others? Why?
I love training with others. In the sport that I do, the people are so encouraging, if you cannot do a move it is ok, and when you finally land that move everyone claps for you and tell you how amazing it was.
Most embarrassing training moment?
Ummmm, I once went into a yoga move and expelled gas very loudly in a very quiet class, I just bust out laughing and disrupted the entire class.
Top 3 things you must have at the gym or in your gym bag?
- Towel
- Water bottle
- Grip
Your next training goal?
To be able to do a Iron X , It takes a lot of strength and skill to stay in that position.
Top 5 songs on your training playlist?
- Sweet Caroline – Sofia Carson
- Hide U – Roger Shah
- Blue Roses – Andrew Rayel
- Hanging by a Moment – Life house
- Show me how you Burlesque – Christina Aguilera
How has exercise/training/Sport Changed your life? [Made it better, etc – please be specific]
I love to see how my body changes, how strong it is getting and how much it is able to do.
Perseverance, patience and discipline has really been ingrained into my life because of exercise.
I feel better and therefore I portray a much more confident and stronger woman than what I use to be, and I have learnt to love myself and my body for what it is and what it can do.
What’s your favourite meal?
Avocado… is that a meal? I will eat it as a meal 🙂
Favourite protein?
Favourite fat?
Favourite carbohydrate?
Gluten Free Pasta.
What’s your nutrition philosophy / approach? [If you have one]
Listen to your body, if it is hungry feed it, if it is full stop eating. Cheating every now and then is not a sin, rather have one unhealthy snack than a full cheat day.
How many meals a day do you eat?
1 or two.
Do you have a cheat meal / treat strategy?
If my body is really craving something, I give it to it in a very small portion. Not every day, but if after a day or two my body still wants slap chips, I buy it, eat one or two bites and then either give the rest to my family or I will throw it away.
Most memorable personal best achievement to date. Something you maybe never imagined you could do?
Not touching gluten for 7 years.
Favourite quote?
Just do it!
Favourite book?
Jane Eyre.
What inspires and motivates you?
Seeing how perseverance pays off.
For what are you most grateful?
I’m inspired by people doing good things and changing their lives daily for the best.
For what are you most grateful?
For the ability to live a full and happy life.
What do you want to say to other community members who might be nervous or hesitant to make a start?
Just do it! One step at a time. Find a sport you like or love, find like minded people to walk your journey with you and Just do it.
What are your top 5 tips for anyone starting on a healthy journey
- Don’t beat yourself up when you make a mistake, move past it and keep going
- Develop a keen ear for listening what your body needs, not what your mind wants
- Change takes time, and the journey is tough but beautiful
- You are stronger than you think.
- Fall in love with who you want to be. Mentally, physically and emotionally.
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