Please give us a short history of your journey to health and fitness before the challenge.
On July 5th, 2021 I made the change. I finally started exercising after six years of being inactive. The 1st week I exercised once, the second week twice, and so on until I was comfortably training for an hour a day five times a week. I chose to try various forms of fitness from boot camps, boxing, yoga, pilates, rebounding, and pound classes. Regarding nutrition, I cut the carbs, sweets, and booze. I started making healthy choices like eating more fruit, taking vitamins, drinking more water and sugar-free drinks when I drank them. I am gluten intolerant so I rarely eat bread, however, I was more cautious of eating refined carbs.
What prompted you to join the Sleekgeek Transformation Challenge?
I wanted to get more focused and needed something to motivate me to stay on track with my goals. I’d heard about the challenge a few years ago and only heard awesome things. I had seen amazing transformations with past challenges and wanted to give it my best from the word go!
Give us a quick overview of the nutrition and eating plan that you followed during the challenge.
I was eating 4-5 times a day. Breakfast was and still is a challenge for me but it would either be oats / fruit or eggs. Protein shakes became one of the true loves in my life as I snacked on them twice a day. Lunch and dinner were always white meat and salad or veg. Weekends were my cheat times when I enjoyed the lesser healthy foods but still chose to make smarter choices like healthy carb-smart dressings, low carb wraps for pizza bases with mozzarella cheese, sushi instead of burgers and fries.
Give us a quick overview of the training and exercise plan that you followed during the challenge.
My training was quite intense, to be honest… Some days more than others.
I really learned to listen to my body and pushed myself when I could and rested when I needed to.
Training mainly consisted of 2 – 2.5hrs of weight training 4 – 5 days a week. 30 – 45min cardio 3 – 5days a week. Sometimes I threw in a yoga class / rebound class / ems training instead of cardio.
I was in a team for the challenge and had to complete weekly roadblocks which I committed to 3-5 days a week too.
If you could give 3 pieces of advice to future challengers, what would they be?
- Make the most of it!
- Don’t give up!
- Having a strong support system really helps on your hard days so tell everyone u know that you’re setting yourself a goal and that you’d like them to stand behind you in achieving that goal.
Why should people enter the challenge?
If not, why not!
The challenge has so many amazing things to offer. It’s such a diverse and versatile program. The amazing nutritional plans, workouts, giveaways, advice, and knowledge shared and the incredible community are all awesome reasons to enter!
It changed my life for the better, it certainly has the power to do the same for each and every challenger!
Plus it’s fun!
You will definitely :
Look better… Feel better…
Meet some awesome, like-minded people and make friends.
Win some wonderful prizes and keep smiling.
All in all = some serious bragging rights!
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