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Challenge Your Beliefs

The key to changing your body is changing your identity and beliefs about yourself.

Right now, you may not always feel like a fit or healthy person…

Or you may not believe that you can truly achieve your goals.

That’s OK.

I’m going to help you remove some of these obstacles and help you tell a better story about who you are and what you’re capable of achieving.

We all have them:

It’s important to know that every single successful person out there has had to overcome their own limiting beliefs in the past (and likely still struggles with some to this day).

Maybe you have some sort of script about what kind of person you are right now, or you tell yourself negative stories about what you can / can’t do…

Instead of telling you that it’s not true, we just want to point out that we at Sleekgeek went from having those kinds of stories in our heads, holding us back, to where we are today.

For example, just look at our 3 coaches in the Sleekgeek Coaching Program:

  • Eric (pictured left – co-founder of Sleekgeek) grew up overweight and firmly believed that being fit / thin / healthy /confident was simply not possible. Now he’s in the best shape of his life, living what seems to be a nearly effortless healthy lifestyle and has the confidence that he can achieve anything that he sets his mind to.
  • Elan (pictured middle – founder of Sleekgeek) believed that he could not talk to strangers and offer them anything of value. Now he is the very public and outgoing leader of the Sleekgeek Health Revolution, confidently striking up conversation with anyone and everyone.
  • Sylvia (pictured right – fostered over 80 abandoned, hurt, and abused kids since 1998 and is now a mom to 11 adopted children) believed that her own life wasn’t worth anything and drowned her sorrows with self-destructive behaviours. Now she feels at peace, loves who she is, and feels free to just be who she wants to be while helping others to do the same.

No matter what your script is for your life, you CAN change that if you want to.

We’re going to help you!

What are your limiting beliefs?

Spend some time now thinking about what your limiting beliefs might be.

  • Maybe you don’t believe you can ever stick to eating healthily for very long…
  • Maybe you don’t believe you look like the kind of person who belongs in the gym…
  • Maybe you don’t believe you deserve to be happy and successful…
  • Maybe you don’t believe you are the kind of person who does active fun things on the weekend…

What is this causing you to miss out on?

If you’ve ever done the 5 Whys Exercise, you’ll understand that knowing your “Why” is extremely important.

  • Maybe you want to be thinner, because you want to feel more respected and loved?
  • Maybe you want to be fitter so that you can live long enough and be well enough to play with your grandchildren?
  • Maybe you want to be better looking so that you can have a more confident relationship with your spouse?
  • Maybe you want to be more comfortable in your clothes so that you could have a successful and fulfilling career?

Whatever your limiting beliefs are…

What are they holding you back from achieving?

At Sleekgeek, we’re all about helping you to live your best life, so it’s time to challenge these beliefs and write a new story about what kind of person you are.

Prove your beliefs wrong:

One of the easiest ways to challenge these limiting beliefs is to think about times in the past when you’ve done something hard or been super successful.

  • Maybe you’re an amazing mother or father?
  • Maybe you’re super successful at work?
  • Maybe you learned to play a musical instrument or speak a new language?
  • Maybe you overcame tragedy and loss?

All of these things prove that you CAN do hard things and you CAN be successful and you CAN overcome any challenge that comes your way.

Very often, the biggest thing holding you back from being successful is your mindset.

What to do now?

  • Identify some of your limiting beliefs around health and fitness. Write them down in a journal if you have one or just in the notes app on your phone.
  • Write down underneath that: “These beliefs are not serving me and they’re causing me to miss out on…” and then complete the sentence with your 5th Why from the 5 Whys Exercise.
  • Prove your limiting beliefs wrong by writing down times in the past where you’ve done something hard or been super successful in other areas of your life.
  • Start taking small daily action, no matter how small, to make progress towards the kind of person that you want to be. Think about getting even just 1% better each day with small daily wins.

​Sharing is caring ❤️​


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Summer bodies are made in winter.

The Sleekgeek Coaching Program

We’ll help you to build healthy habits and stay consistent so that you can live a better life.

(And never need to follow another diet ever again.)

Download the Sleekgeek Food List

Want a quick snapshot of what a healthy diet might look like?

We’ve put together a list of some of the healthiest foods that you can easily and immediately start adding to your diet to help you build a solid foundation of good health.

Get your FREE copy below 👇

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