We are in a period of massive uncertainty.
Most of us are naturally wondering about what happens to the world in the wake of the COVID-19 Crisis.
Though I am optimistic, for the first time in a while I found myself wondering about my mortality.
Much of my pursuit of health has been in an effort to make sure that I prolong my longevity and be able to live my best life for as long as possible. I aspire to be the healthiest 60,70 and 80 year old on the block!
It suddenly occurred to me that maybe I will not be living the 30-40 years I have always assumed I had.
Of course this is not just related to Corona. You might remind me that I could get hit by a car tomorrow.
I thought about the possibility that my time may be limited.
It got me wondering …. If I passed away tomorrow have all my efforts to be healthy been pointless?
- Have all my efforts to live a healthy life been a waste?
- Were all those delicious temptations I passed up missed opportunities?
- Should I rather have chilled on the couch and done more fun things instead of exercising?
Should I have just gone ‘stuff it’ and lived in excess?
Not a chance!
When I reflect on the last 8 years of my journey health living and being in shape has allowed me to be ALIVE and vibrant and full of energy and live a fuller life.
Being healthy has made my life better and more fulfilling on EVERY LEVEL.
I regret nothing.
Healthy living has allowed me to feel better than I have ever felt physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
I am able to do and enjoy so many things I would never have done when I was overweight and lazy. Like hiking, meeting new people, getting active and enjoying nature.
My work life has been balanced compared to when I was an unhealthy chain-smoking workaholic.
My dating life has blossomed with increased confidence internally and externally.
I could go on about all I have gained – but you get the point.
In my experience quality of life is simply better when you are healthy.
If you told me I had just 90 days to live I would not stop eating healthy foods most of the time. I would not stop exercising. I would continue to meditate and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
So if you are feeling like there is no point to focussing on your health when the world is upside down I am here to tell you that it is WORTH IT.
Be safe and healthy. Keep the faith.