Health is a practice.
I had a client who I was trying to wean off the “all or nothing” mentality.
She had a big social weekend planned at a popular sporting event and was very stressed and fearful that she was going to blow out and mess it up. It promised to be a minefield of alcohol and poor food choices.
I suggested she reframe the weekend in a completely different paradigm.
What if she could welcome it as an opportunity to PRACTICE navigating its challenges better than she would have in the past.
I told her that if she handled it even slightly better than in the past it was a win and progress. I also assured her that even if she completely messed up – it was ok.
How about if you saw every social occasion, every meal out, every weekend, every time you travel for business or pleasure as an opportunity to practice handling these scenarios better?
The fact is you will NEVER nail them all. Some will be on point with flying colours, some will be middle of the road and some will be a disaster.
That’s how it works.
Over time, as you practice and improve you will naturally get better at doing the right things for your goals more often.
Try it out next time you fear messing up in a situation you perceive as a difficult challenge.
Lose your attachment to perfection or black and white failure and success and just KEEP PRACTICING.