Great news!
If you recall at the end of last year I decided to launch our first ever Sleekgeek Stop smoking Challenge. I wrote about it here explaining how close it was to my heart after being a chain-smoker for 16 years.
Stopping smoking was the best thing I ever did for my health. I identified the problem that many Sleekgeeks are working on what their nutrition and exercise but still smoking. In terms of health being our priority over weight-loss I believe this is the elephant in the room.
So we launched the Free Stop Smoking Challenge to address this to start in Jan 2018.
281 people signed my pledge. Of those we had 218 followed through and took the first step of joining the dedicated Facebook Support Group. How many people actually started we are not sure. We will track that better next time.
We were utterly delighted with the results!
26 people complete at least 6 weeks smoke free and save R35,766 in the 6 weeks.
WOW! – talk about changing people’s lives!
Should they all stay quit for the rest of the year that group of people will save about R300k. Pretty damn awesome!
One of the ladies is going to now afford to pay her debts! That makes me warm and fuzzy.
“Hi there
Firstly I’d like to say thanks for this challenge, without which I’d probably still be smoking and wondering how I’m going to afford to pay my son’s study loan back.
I have so far managed to save R793.13 which is incredible. But I’ve actually saved more cos I haven’t been buying hubby cigarettes either!
Thanks again for this challenge”
Our next quite date! – JOIN US
Our next quit date is between April 2 and April 9.
Make your pledge at the bottom of this page!
Please share this with anyone you know who is a smoker and wants to stop.
Our 6-Week Champs!
So check it out, here are all our champions who made it 6 weeks!
We did a lucky draw and Sonja Raath earned the money she saved back in cash.
1 | Lucia Tarasconi |
2 | Micell Brown |
3 | Taryn Starkowitz |
4 | Anita Ford |
5 | Marius Smith |
6 | Liza de Keijzer |
7 | Marine Nel |
8 | Rene Bouwer |
9 | Tania Lomax |
10 | Sonja Raath |
11 | Jade Hayden |
12 | Geordie Browne |
13 | Jules Gonsalves |
14 | Jerome van der Merwe |
15 | Mandy Walters |
16 | Zeida Solomons |
17 | Rushana Davids |
18 | Hayley Ivanisevic |
19 | Diane Pretorius |
20 | Michelle Poggenpoel |
21 | Jenny Naiker |
22 | Clint Miller |
23 | Merlize Jogiat |
24 | Shane Potgieter |
25 | Morakane Moletsane |
26 | Liv van der Westhuizen |
We got a ton of thanks from our people which gave me goosebumps.. here are a few for you to enjoy! I have left their names out for the sake of privacy.
Hi Elan
I have smashed my 6 week mark and saved over R 1000. Am using the money to buy myself a swanky new pair of running tights that I saw at canal walk.
Since quitting smoking I have also cleaned up my diet (I am also vegetarian now), attended parkrun most Saturdays, completed the Discovery Retrorun 8km and a 5km trail run and am currently training with a running coach to bring down my 5km time. (I’m slower than a herd of tortoises stampeding through peanut butter when I run).
Thank you for starting this challenge, it was the motivation I needed to quit smoking and turn my life around.
Hi Elan,
Thank you so much for this challenge. It arrived at just the right time to give me the motivation I needed to finally stop once and for all.
At R28 a day for my smokes I’ve saved R1204.00 over the 6 weeks.
I’m now on 1 month and 15 days and I’m never going back!
Thank you!
Hi Elan
Thank you so much for the challenge. I am thrilled to have got this far. My Dr’s are happy and I am sure my lungs will agree in 5 years time. Long way to go, but one step at a time.
I stopped on 11 January 2018. Which makes this Thursday 7 weeks.
Hi Elan
I have been a smoker for more than 40 years. On the 2nd of January this year, I was rushed to hospital with a heart attack. I had a stent put in one of my heart arteries and stayed in ICU for two days.
This very scary experience made me realize that I owe myself and my family a few more years together. I realized it will not be possible if I carry on messing up my health with hundreds , even thousands of cigarettes! So silly! Well, here I am today – a non-smoker! And I did it cold turkey! It has brought so much pride, healthy breathing, joy and happiness into my life. When I went back to the cardiologist a month ago, he said that even after a month of not smoking, I have already reduced having another heart attack by 50%! Well, let’s see what he is going to say when I go back for my two month visit next week.
Thanks to you, my family’s encouragement and the help of God I am very proud to say that I have not had a cigarette since the 3rd of January 2018! I am now free!
Dear Elan
I am pleased to inform you that I have been smoke free since the 05th Jan 2018, I used to smoke an average of 20 – 30 cigarettes a day and as at the time of sending this I have not smoked 1345 cigarettes since stopping on the above date.
I have saved almost R605.00 as I used to smoke the cheap cigarettes and so far I am feeling very good as I combined my start off with hypnosis that carried me right through all the cravings despite me being in our peak season at the workplace.
I would like to thank you and everyone else for the support, motivation and dedication that has been put in for the success of everyone including myself on this challenge and I hope that many, many more sign up and stop the addiction !
Hi Elan,
The email that changed my life and 47days smoke free.
My Mom has been nagging me for years to stop.
I have now finally done it 🙂
I’m healthier and saved about R695.
Its not even about the money for me anymore but should I get it, I will pamper myself with a spar treatment 🙂
Thank you for being and inspiration and support for so many of us
Hi Elan
I am very proud to say that I opened a new savings account this past week and deposited R3 000 “cigarette money” into the account.
I will be bank R1 500 per month from now on and my husband and I will go on a road trip to the Eastern Cape later this year to visit family and friends for a while. I am very excited about this journey!
Thanks again for your support!
Hi Elan and Team,
I did it. I made it 6 weeks smoke free and couldn’t have done this without your push, help and support. I started this journey on 14 January 2018 and have not looked back once. Thank you for creating a great group to go to when you thought about lighting up. Onwards and upwards. I managed to save R1788. I’ve attached pics from the Smoke Free app. Thanks again.
All the best
Elan, Sleekgeek has changed my life in so many ways, i look at the day i TOOK my 1st challenge, THE BEST INVESTMENT I EVER MADE IN MY LIFE. Joined to loose weight but so many changes came along that i never expected, the good friends i made, i swear the list is endless and today i am a non smoker, what more can i girl ask for?
So here is what we are going to do
- You will pledge your name below
- Ready yourself to stop smoking anytime between 2 and 9 April 2018.
- Invite anyone you know who needs this to
So there are no massive prizes in this challenge except the prize of a NEW LIFE FREE of the chains of your addiction.
But as a sweetener I have decided to do the following:
Anyone you completes 6 weeks smoke free starting in that week will go into a draw and I will pay the winner a cash amount equal to what you saved by not smoking for 6 weeks. So if you saved R3,000 I will pay you R3,000 so in effect you are R6,000 richer.
Pretty neat right?
Sleekgeek are not experts in stopping smoking but we are really great at getting a group of people together and connected to achieve a common goal.
So we are going to provide the common space for you guys to support one another and shine.
You may use whatever strategy you like. Popular strategies that have worked for community members are 1) Cold Turkey 2) Allen Carr 3) Champix – but it is up to you how you want to go. Sleekgeek has no commercial affiliations in this area.
But we will have a “post before you smoke” policy. So if you at your wits end and want to light up you HAVE to first post in the dedicated Facebook group about it and wait a minimum of 10 Mins. Those are the rules.
At the start of the Challenge we will also send you some powerful exercises you can do to help you with your mindset.
Only one thing left to do.
When you make your pledge we will also add you to our newsletter and send you Sleekgeek updates and news.