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💪 8-Week Body Transformation Challenge! 🥗

Q&A – Mark Campbell

Here’s a quick Q&A with our men’s weightloss 3rd place winner, Mark Campbell. Mark achieved his success with our 8-week Ultimate You Challenge.

  • Give us a short history of your journey to health and fitness before the challenge.

Started 4 years ago when I had to loose a bucket load of weight. Weighing in at over 140kg with cholesterol at 13, I think I may have been dead by now if I didn’t do something about it. 3 years ago I entered my first transformation challenge and came 2nd.  What a feeling that was! Rest is history – can never go back to that.

  • What prompted you to join the ULTIMATE YOU Challenge?

I required a tool to assist me to lose weight and stay focused. I’m pretty competitive and this challenge therefore is the best of both worlds for me – lose weight and competing 🙂 Having a specific date to work towards also helps me to keep on track.

  • Give us a quick overview of the nutrition and eating plan that you followed during the challenge.

Pretty simple – breakfast was egg whites and half cup of oats. Lunch – Tuna salad. Supper was protein and veg. I didn’t restrict myself with portion control – ate as much as possible, again, that helps stay on track. I’m full, but it’s good clean food!

  • Give us a quick overview of the training and exercise plan that you followed during the challenge.

80% weight training. I hate cardio. Cardio consisted of pushing weights slightly faster 🙂 Towards the end of the challenge I started doing a few cardio type classes at gym. I do know that I need to do more cardio this coming challenge!

  • If you could give 3 pieces of advice to future challengers, what would they be?

Training helps speed up the process, but eating properly is the only way to drop weight and transform the way you look.

  • What did you find most valuable about your experience?

I now have a good idea of what works for me – 3 years late – but its 8 weeks that sets me up for the rest of the year.


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