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💪 8-Week Body Transformation Challenge! 🥗

Koos de Villiers sheds 15.7kgs on our Challenge

In 2012 I saw a friend of mine on Facebook like the Sleekgeek Facebook page; I was very interested, but never actually got the courage to commit to their 8-week challenge. I did, however, follow their 30-day Reboot and lost weight and started to feel great.

However, in 2014 I gained a lot of weight due to not having a permanent job and being turned down interview after interview. I felt as if my life was going nowhere and literally ate my feelings. My life was going nowhere and thinking about the future just made me eat more.

In 2015 I received a contract position at a wonderful organisation and moved to Pretoria. Having no place to live, one of my mates, Johann, was nice enough to let me stay with him. Johann is a very health conscious person and took it upon himself to help me lose weight, having seen how much weight I gained during 2014. Despite all his efforts, I didn’t really take the losing weight seriously.

He then told me about one of his friend’s girlfriend who followed a two-month challenge and lost weight. When he told me about Sleekgeek, I was quite surprised, but I remembered that I lost some weight in 2012 when following their 30-day Reboot. Johann convinced his girlfriend, her roommates and me to sign up for the Sleekgeek 8-Week Ultimate you challenge using the argument that we will be less likely to complete a weight loss and exercise programme if we have something to lose/gain from the challenge.

How did I do it?

I mainly followed the 30-day Reboot and then followed the Paleo eating plan from Sleekgeek’s 8-Week Challenge dietician.

When it came to exercising we did it as a group and motivated each other during exercises. The first month our exercises mainly consisted out of running around the block and then doing sit ups, push ups, pull ups and used light weights during the exercises. We changed our exercise routines every two weeks. The second month we started following a jogging programme and started doing light weight training in the afternoons.

The words of encouragement and the information sent to us by Sleekgeek also helped me to reach my goals. When I ever thought of cheating, I would find an email from one of the Sleekgeek Ultimate You team and be motivated not to cheat!

“The Ultimate You Challenge changed my life. I have never followed a weight challenge or healthy eating plan that supports participants every step of the way, like the way the Ultimate You Challenge did. “

Sleekgeek’s Ultimate You Challenge did not only help me lose weight by providing me with information regarding eating plans and exercises, but also motivated me by sending words of encouragement and helpful information to  improve myself! I have never actually followed a programme that does the amount of effort, Sleekgeek did!

I just want to thank the Ultimate You team! Words cannot describe how thankful I am for your encouragement and motivation. Then I want to thank my friends Johann Hoffman, Nicolene Moore, Yolandé Genade and Zelda Taylor, who also signed up for the challenge and motivated me every step of the way! Especially my best friend Johann Hoffman for taking the initiative to get us all involved in the challenge!

Doing the Sleekgeek Challenge with friends are one of the best things a person can do.

​Sharing is caring ❤️​


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