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💪 8-Week Body Transformation Challenge! 🥗

De-Stress Challenge Day 16 – Fear Management

🎯 Today’s Mission:

To successfully complete today’s mission:

  • ✅ Manage your fears today using the ‘5-Step Release Method’.
  • Complete the form at the bottom of the page when done.

💡 More Info

Fear can be debilitating and cause us much stress. Most times we fear things that we dread happening in the future. We can worry ourselves sick.

Most times we totally over-estimate our problems and the likelihood of worst case scenarios coming true.

Today’s mission is to dissipate some of your fear using the ‘5-Step Release’ method by Dr Rangan Chatterjee. This exercise is published in his book, “Feel better in 5“.

❓ Here is how to do it:

Grab some paper, your journal or anything to scribble on and answer these 5 simple questions for yourself.

  1. One thing I am anxious about today:
    Think about the most dominant issue that you are worried about right now. The one that is occupying your mind most. It is likely something that is going to happen in the near future that’s bothering you. Maybe it is an important meeting with your boss for example.
  2. One practical thing I can do to prevent or prepare for it:
    Taking action can make us feel better. Maybe you need to prepare 3 points you absolutely must get across in a difficult conversation you are going to have with your boss.
  3. One reason it is probably not going to be as bad as I fear:
    We love to catastrophise as human beings. We constantly planning for the worst case scenario. We easily start to believe that things are worse than they are. That difficult conversation is probably not going to end up with you getting fired. Try build a more realistic view of the problem by refusing to accept worse case scenarios.
  4. One reason I know I can handle it:
    Chances are that no matter what the situation is, you’ve been through much worse before and survived! Recall how to go through tough situations in the past.
  5. One upside of the situation:
    Things are rarely entirely bad. Most dark clouds do have a silver lining. What is one upside of the problem that’s worrying you?

Use this tool anytime you are worried about something.

✅ Mission Accomplished?

Fill in the form below once you’re done to keep track of your progress.

Which day of the challenge have you completed?
Used to automatically email you a copy of your mission submission so that you can keep track of which missions you have completed.
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