Entries are OPEN for Sleekgeek's 38th

💪 8-Week Body Transformation Challenge! 🥗


Here's how it all works.

The rules for #21STRONG are more guidelines for getting the most out of it.

Feel free to tweak the rules to help yourself get the most out of the experience.

RULE 1: 21 Days.

This challenge is about showing up every single day for 21 days in a row.

Or at least for as many of those 21 days as you can.

See how many of the 21 days you can complete in the 21-day period.

A good rule of thumb is “never miss twice” – as in don’t miss 2 days in a row.

RULE 2: You Pick The Habits.

We recommend picking 4-8 habits from the list above to track every day for 21 days.

You can do less or even more, but we’ve found 4-8 are the sweet spot.

If in doubt, aim for quality over quantity. You can always come back for round 2 of #21STRONG with different habits.

The biggest mistake we see is that people pick too many habits upfront. It’s OK to have hundreds of healthy habits that you do, but we recommend tracking a small core handful that you can really commit to and hold yourself accountable to. Choose habits to track that will really move the needle for your progress.

P.S. Feel free to add/track your own habits too, you don’t only have to track ours.

RULE 3: You Choose The Frequency.

Most of the habits can be done daily, but feel free to choose your own minimum frequency to best suit your schedule and goals.

For example, might want to hit your step target every single day, but you may only want to exercise 4 times a week.

RULE 4: You Choose The Intensity.

Most of these habits are scalable.

Make them easier or more difficult depending on your ability and goals.

Remember, consistency beats perfection. If in doubt, start out at an easier intensity until you’ve earned the right with consistency to make it more challenging.

RULE 5: Track Your Habits.

The most important part of this challenge is to track your habits.

Every. Single. Day.

Tick off the habits that you do and cross the habits that you miss.

If you’re deliberately skipping a habit on a certain day then leave that habit’s day blank.

We recommend the free app HabitShare to track your habits.

If you don’t want to use an app, you can print out the Sleekgeek Habit Tracker or make your own.

RULE 6: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3…

Once you’ve successfully completed a full 21 days of #21STRONG, that’s your “Version 1” or “V1” complete.

If you choose to repeat the challenge with new/more habits, then you’ll be doing “Version 2” or “V2”, then “V3”, and then “V4” and so on and so forth.

Use V1/2/3/4/etc as an easy way to let others know how many times you’ve successfully completed the challenge.

“Completed” is tracking your habits for at least 70% of the challenge (15+ out of 21 days).

RULE 7: Share With Us!

Sleekgeek is a community and a health revolution.

We want to see you ticking off your habits and taking action towards your goals.

Share with us your daily progress in the Sleekgeek Health Revolution group on Facebook.

We’ve also got a dedicated WhatsApp Group if you’d like to join us there too (optional).

Pictures of your habit tracker, photos of you doing your habit, or even just quick 1-line journal entries letting us know how your habits are going that day.

Use the hashtag #21STRONG and be sure to mention which Version (see above) you are doing.

RULE 8: Have fun.

#21STRONG should make your life better, not worse.

If this kind of challenge doesn’t feel right for you, feel free to give it a skip.

Ultimately, our goal with #21STRONG is to make it embedded in the Sleekgeek community.

Something that doesn’t just happen once in a while with a big group start, but rather a challenge that Sleekgeek’s can take up at any time for their own benefit.

When someone new comes into the Sleekgeek community, we want them to see Sleekgeek’s tracking their habits and sharing their progress.

We want new Sleekgeeks to know that the first step is to take on #21STRONG by picking even just 1 or 2 habits to track for 21 days.

At Sleekgeek, “People like us do things like this.”

We identify healthy habits that want to build, we commit to them for at least 21 days, and we track our progress on a daily basis.

Over time we hope to expand the habit library to include more and more habits to choose from.

Stay tuned for more! And please help us spread the word by sharing this challenge with your friends and family. Here’s the link to the signup page that you can share: www.sleekgeek.co.za/21strong/